Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Facing the Blank Page

In the previous post, I bravely announced that my big project for 2025 was a fiction writing journey. Like many aspiring writers, I've been wrestling with those familiar voices of self-doubt: "No one cares about what you write." "You should probably start with short stories and see if you can get those published first." "Do you know how many people actually make money from books?" "Nobody reads books nowadays." These aren't just random fears – they're the voices of perfectionism and imposter syndrome that can plague any creative endeavor.

During my journey reconnecting with French through YouTube this year, I discovered something useful. There's this fascinating philosophy professor and author, Fabrice Midal, who wears striking yellow outfits, including yellow glasses. His bold fashion choices aren't just eccentric – they're a testament to his philosophy of authentic self-expression. One of his books is titled "Foutez-vous la paix!" (in French).

While it loosely translates to "Give yourself a break!" in English, the French version carries more weight, especially in first person: "Je vais me foutre la paix!" The English translation feels tepid in comparison. In French, you can really let that sentence land by emphasizing "FOUTRE" – that initial "F" sound seems to physically expel those nagging doubts about rejection letters and critical voices.

What about fear? "Je vais la FOUTRE dehors" (I'm going to throw it out) et je vais me FOUTRE la paix. Even emphasizing the "P" of "paix" works – it's like pushing away those persistent doubts that try to derail our creative ambitions.

Now, whenever those familiar doubts creep into my thoughts – whether about writing, professional projects, or any creative pursuit – I return to my new mantra: "Je vais me foutre la paix." It's become more than just a phrase; it's a permission slip to create without the burden of perfectionism.

PS:  I wrote this post a few days ago.  It's now January 1st and I've typed the first 1,000 words.  The journey has started.  I am on my way. 


Related and Recently Read: "Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure," by Maggie Jackson (2023).

Coming Next: A series on Knowledge and Fiction.

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