The easy answer is that knowledge management can be applied to ANY topic of interest and therefore if I'm posting something about permaculture I might just be talking about my (limited) knowledge of permaculture and how I'm going about learning more on the topic.
More seriously though, whenever I explore a new topic of interest (in this case, permaculture), I tend to try to draw parallels with things I already know. That's a very common way to absorb new information, by developing analogies, by comparing it to what's already in our knowledge banks.
I'm primarily interested in permaculture as a set of practices to apply (as appropriate) in my own back yard, but as I read about it and learn more from permaculturalists and fellow permaculture apprentices, I am reminded of a lot of what I learned during my graduate studies. I had intended to develop my dissertation around food policies in Africa and therefore I took a lot of classes and read a lot about agricultural practices and policies.
My fellow permaculture apprentices in the class are hearing the exact same information, but their objectives might be quite different -- therefore they are paying attention to different things, giving some information more weight than I would -- and their pre-existing knowledge is quite different from mine. They may not know much about agricultural practices and policies in Africa but most of them have much more hands-on experience with agriculture.
The same thing is true when we share lessons learned in a knowledge management context. We individually absorb the information (accept/reject/interpret) based on our own prior experiences and knowledge. And this is what makes conversations so important. There is as much if not more knowledge to be gained in conversations with my fellow permaculture apprentices as in listening to the instructors, but it requires a different approach to listening and perhaps some additional probing. The good news is that people like to talk about their own experiences and their own knowledge. Listening, without becoming too much of an interviewer, is key.
And just for fun, here is another kind of map (i.e, not an insight map). This one is called a base map and is meant as a starting point for my permaculture experiments.
Base mapping for future permaculture mini-site. |